Titanic RMS
Titanic RMS

The Titanic is the only ship, to date, that has sunk owing to a collision with an iceberg. This ship is often referred to as ‘RMS Titanic’,, as RMS stands for Royal Mail Ship. The Titanic Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on the morning of April 15, 1912, four days after her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. More than 1,500 of the 2,240 passengers and crew aboard the ship lost their lives in the disaster.

The Titanic
The Titanic photo credit: Google.

Built-in 1912 at an estimated cost of $7.5 million (then), the Titanic would have cost about $400 million in today’s dollars to build. The Titanic ship lay untouched at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean for more than seven decades. It was discovered by a joint American-French expedition in 1985.
It is believed that Cardeza bought the most expensive ticket on the Titanic ship. $2560 in 1912, or over $70000 as of today. To learn more about Titanic Tickets, you may click here.

This blog article covers the following facts:

1. Background of Titanic:

mystery buried under the sea! Such a tragic incident was recorded in the pages of history, which shook the whole world! This incident is of that ship, which was called the biggest and never-sink ship of the century! Its name is RMS Titanic _ RMS Titanic! The story of the Titanic begins in the early nineteenth century.

At that time, there was a competition between the Germans and the British to build big ships. That’s why the British government decided to build a ship whose decoration and stature are bigger than a luxurious palace! The ship which would be called the biggest ship of this century! That’s why the British government gave a loan of millions of dollars to the White Star Line Company to build such a ship. After this, on March 31, 1909, the construction of the Titanic started in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

2. Building of the Titanic:

The Titanic - a grand and luxurious ship running on water!

About fifteen thousand engineers and artisans worked hard for three years to prepare a grand and luxurious ship running on water! This ship was built in sixteen different sections, in simple language compartments, which were completely watertight! It was because of this quality that it was called the unsinkable ship! On April 2, 1912, the Titanic was ready! As much as the grandeur of this ship was felt from outside; it used to double after going inside!

3. Boarding the Titanic:

On April 10, 1912, the Titanic set sail from Southampton, England, to New York with 920 passengers on board. (179 first class, 247 second class, and 494 third class). Leaving here, the Titanic reached Cherbourg, France, in the evening at a speed of about 42 kilometers per hour! And from here, the Titanic reached Queenstown, Ireland, with 274 (142 first class, 30 second class, and 102 third class) passengers. Then, the Titanic left for New York with 123 new passengers! (3 first class, 7-second class, and 113 third class). In addition to all 1317 passengers, there were about 900 crew members on board! This means that in total, there were about 2200+ people aboard the Titanic!

4. Ignoring Precautionary Notices:

When the Titanic left Ireland, the Titanic received the first warning of an iceberg on its way. But the captain of the ship, Edward John Smith, did not pay much attention to this warning. And did not reduce the speed of the ship, which was moving forward, tearing the sea apart with its full speed! By nightfall, Captain Edward Smith had been given about six (SIX) warning messages by other ships! But Captain Smith neither wanted to reduce the speed of the ship nor was he going to take these warnings seriously.

Because Captain Smith wanted to add another record to his retirement and the Titanic’s reputation! Along with being a huge ship, he also wanted to get the Titanic, the status of being the fastest ship of this century! However, it is also believed that the owners of the ship did not allow the captain to reduce the speed of the ship, because they wanted, commercially, to show the Titanic to the world as the fastest ship! People believe that Captain Smith approached the owners, informing them about the iceberg.

5. Collision with a mammoth iceberg:

On that dark night of April 14, Captain Smith deployed two members of the ship’s crew, Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee, to watch over the ship for security. So that he can immediately inform Captain Smith about any danger. The sea was very calm that night! There was no moon in the sky! That’s why they were only getting the faint light of the stars! Then suddenly, at 11.39 pm, Frederick Fleet, who was on watch, saw a blackish mountain right in front of the ship!

Seeing this, Frederick immediately understood that there was a huge iceberg in front of the Titanic. Frederick Fleet, without losing a moment, rang the emergency bell three times and then immediately reported on the ship’s phone – the iceberg was right in front! On hearing this, all the officers started trying to turn the ship. With a sudden decision, Captain Smith made all efforts to take the Titanic away from that big iceberg, but alas, at 11.40 pm, the lower part of the right side of the ship collided with that big iceberg!

Research says that the time available to change the direction of the ship was very short. Also, there was no clear understanding as to which direction, the ship had to be turned. Owing to this, rather than moving away from the iceberg, the Titanic reached much closer to the Iceberg & collided.

6. The profound impact of the iceberg collision on the Titanic:

The collision was so strong that it gave a jolt to the third-class passengers. Passengers came to know about the collision when the Titanic was stopped at one place and the engines were stopped. As soon as the news spread that the ship had collided, people started running here and there. There was an atmosphere of fear on the whole ship. When the Titanic collided with the iceberg, it tore the plates at the bottom of the ship. Due to this the nails up to three hundred feet had come out on the right side of the ship! When the nails came out, the plates that were connected were broken and the water got inside fast!

At the same time, when water started filling the lower part of the ship, all the third-class passengers started running upwards. Worried about this incident, Titanic’s designer Thomas Andrews told Captain Smith that five compartments of the ship were filled with water. And in no time the water will be flowing over the deck of the ship filling all the sections one by one! Seeing the seriousness of the situation, all the lifeboats were released for further safety.

7. Lack of a sufficient number of lifeboats:

But at that time, only twenty lifeboats were present on the Titanic. Their capacity was about 65 passengers! But in the chaos and panic, very few passengers were put in the lifeboats, and because of this, many lives were lost! Questions also arose as to whether Smith, being the captain, was aware of the number of passengers and the availability of the total number of lifeboats on board. Believing that the Titanic was unsinkable, the captain did not pay enough attention to the availability of lifeboats on the ship. It was a very sad mistake by the captain!

A psychological barrier between people from the 1st & 2nd classes played a deadly role. Third-class passengers went uncontrollable owing to fear of death. Many fell into the sea while attempting to board the lifeboat. That night, there was an atmosphere of dread all over the ship.

8. Brave musicians on the Titanic:


Meanwhile, a group of musicians present on the ship, unafraid of death, without caring for their lives, played the tunes of music till their last breath, so that the dying could spend their last moments with some happiness! All the musicians were recognized for their heroism, especially during the final hours of the sinking. Minute by minute, the Titanic was quietly going lower and lower into the sea, with people on board. Many brave deeds were done that night, but none more brave than those musicians! Even in the face of their deaths, without making any fuss, all these musicians continued to play music with the same goodwill that helped the rest of the passengers get peace!

Music was being played as a relaxing activity. All the musicians played for over two hours! After the power went out, band leader Wallace Hartley dismissed his band and continued playing alone. Wallace went down with the ship, & fortunately, his body was recovered. Six days after Hartley’s funeral, the Orchestra Association organized a memorial concert at the Royal Albert Hall in his honor. Five hundred musicians from several different orchestras arrived to play at the Royal Albert Hall. The proceeds of the concerts were given to the families of the musicians. The band members were hailed as the heroic musicians of the Titanic.

9. The Heartbreaking Sinking of the Titanic:

On the other hand, due to the filling of water in more than five compartments in the ship, the front part of the ship had sunk up to 10 degrees, due to which the rear part of the ship started rising. Due to the ever-increasing pressure, at 2:30 am, the Titanic broke apart in two parts. In just 2 hours and 40 minutes, the never-sinking Titanic got into the lap of the Atlantic Ocean on its very first voyage! Fifteen hundred and seventeen people lost their lives in this tragic incident.

Since the sinking of the Titanic, different theories have been put forward for its sinking. Many theories hold Captain Smith responsible for this incident! Some theories blame Titanic’s design and the material used in it for being substandard.

10. What does the research say about the sinking of the Titanic?

main reason for the sinking of the Titanic was its high speed.

A project was launched in 2010 to uncover the real cause of the Titanic’s sinking! A team of scientists & researchers, with the help of millions of dollars of modern robots and high-resolution cameras, scanning with radar technique in the North Atlantic Ocean, created a map of fifteen kilometers of Titanic’s whereabouts. Collecting about 150,000 photos and videos of every small piece, studying every small piece of the wreckage of the Titanic, and after almost two years of hard work, in 2012, the team virtually reconstructed the Titanic to know the real reasons for its sinking!

After conducting various experiments on the Titanic design and the materials used to make it, the team found that there was no flaw in the Titanic design, nor was the material used in it of poor quality. It was found in this research that the main reason for the sinking of the Titanic was its high speed. When the iceberg collided at a high speed, thousands of tons of pressure fell on the lower part of the ship, and due to this the pressure area was completely damaged, then, due to the filling of water in the five compartments of the ship, the ship broke from the front and sank!

11. How and where is the Titanic today?

The Titanic is divided into two main pieces about 2000 feet (600 m) apart.

The wreckage of the Titanic is located approximately 370 nautical miles (690 km) south-southeast off the coast of Newfoundland at a depth of approximately 12,500 feet (3,800 m; 2,100 fathoms). It is divided into two main pieces about 2000 feet (600 m) apart. The search for this was going on for a long time but success was achieved in 1985! It is said that it took Robert Ballard eight days to find the Titanic. Since then, many swimmers have gone near this historic wreck. The above image is imaginary and AI-based.

However, after completing more than a hundred years under the ocean, the wreckage has now been included in the underwater heritage! The United Nations cultural agency now protects it so that it can be saved from non-scientific and unethical searches! Maybe in the coming centuries, this debris will be brought out of the sea with modern technology!

An iceberg may have sunk the Titanic into the sea, but the memory of the incident; will always be in the ocean of our hearts!
To read more about how the wreckage of the Titanic was discovered, you may click on the link here.

12. What happened to the iceberg that hit the Titanic?

The upper part of the iceberg that hit the Titanic was 10 Stores above the sea level.

It was the beginning of 1912. A large piece of ice broke off as an iceberg from a glacier in southwest Greenland. The iceberg was made of ice that had formed thousands of years before the incident of the Titanic disaster. Maybe then, when mammoths roamed the earth! The iceberg started its journey. It was a massive object over 700 feet long and weighing over 75 million tons! From the looks of it, it was a very peaceful piece of ice. It drifted away from ships and busy transport routes, and then it somehow floated farther south than other icebergs.

This iceberg was “badly lucky” because other icebergs melt long before they reach these low latitudes! Of the 30,000 icebergs that break away from Greenland’s glaciers, only 1% ever reach the Atlantic! Even after months of melting into the water, this huge block of ice was still almost twice as heavy as the Golden Gate Bridge. The upper part of the iceberg was 10 Storeys above the sea level. Several days before this iceberg reached the Atlantic Ocean, a luxurious ship, the Titanic, had left port for its voyage.

The Titanic collision occurred on April 14, when the ship was in the North Atlantic, 370 miles from Newfoundland. Unable to alter its course, at least five sections of the ship’s hull were ruptured. Water started filling them at an alarming rate. There were no closing doors in the Titanic’s compartments. In this way, the water spread and started flooding every department. The bow of the ship began to sink, leaving the rear upright in the air, and then, with a deafening roar, the ship broke in half. The rest is history. But what happened to the iceberg after that?

Iceberg spotted: First Instance.

On 15 April, the German ocean liner SS Prince Aldebert was transiting through the North Atlantic. It was traveling a few miles from the spot where the Titanic had sunk several hours earlier. The chief Steward of the German ships was not aware of the disaster. For him, it was just an ordinary iceberg. What caught his attention was a large red streak running from the top of the iceberg. Amazed, the man took a picture of his discovery. He thought the paint meant a ship had struck an iceberg within the past 12 hours.

Iceberg spotted: Second Instance.

The next person who saw the iceberg and took another picture of it was the captain of a ship laying a deep sea telecommunication cable! This ship was sent to help in the area where the Titanic sank. The captain later claimed that the iceberg he had seen was the only one in the area and that it had a red line. This confirmed that the picture was also of the same iceberg! In 2015 one of these photos sold at auction for over $32,000, and experts are still unsure whether the image shows the infamous block of ice. It may have been an ordinary iceberg that was floating nearby at the time.

It is now a fact that a great “unsinkable” ship sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic, where it exists today, and went down after hitting an iceberg. But the iceberg continued on its way and slowly melted into the surrounding water, to the surprise of some witnesses. It is not clear when the iceberg completely disappeared.

Food Menu on The Titanic:

Comments on Titanic facts:

The Titanic has been one of the greatest mysteries in the history of mankind. Even after more than 100 years of the unfortunate event, the Titanic is still a top research subject. Many questions are still unanswered & being worked on. What are your thoughts about the Titanic? Let it be for any parameters of Titanic, do comment, in the “Leave a Comment” box, at the end of the blog. I would love to read/respond as appropriate.

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By jabulani.jabulanee@gmail.com

I am an amateur cyclists having done many successful cycling expeditions as Solo / with Spouse / With Kids / With family & with friends. I am a post graduate in commerce, with distinction, from University of Pune. I have a professional experience of more than 17 years. I have worked with multi national companies like IBM & Kyndryl. I have experience with regards to client relationship, contract management, audits & testing, national - international transitions, process framing, tools deployment as well as financial management. I belong to joint family & staying along with my parents, spouse & 2 kids. Travelling, Health, technology, Finance, Parenting, reading & writing, Sports, Meditation, Cultural adherence etc are my other hobbies. I strongly believe in Powers of Universe & Power of Gratitude.

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