Let us know, What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money, that Poor & Middle Class Do Not !  - by Robert T Kiyosaki in Rich Dad Poor Dad Book.

The Rich dont' work for money. They Make Money work for them.

The poor & middle class focus on jobs, the rich focus on assets.

The rich invest in education, the poor & middle class invest in liabilities.

The Rich focus on their financial future, the poor & middle class focus on their immediate needs.

The Rich think like entrepreneurs, the poor & middle class think like employees.

The Rich are willing to take risks, the poor & middle class play it safe.

The Rich are generous with their time & money, the poor & middle class are focused on saving.

The Rich are always learning, the poor & middle class think they know it all.

The Rich are patient, the poor & middle class want quick results.

The Rich are persistent. The poor & middle class give up easily.

The Rich believe in themselves. The poor & middle class doubt themselves.

The Rich act in accordance with their goals. The poor & middle class act based on their emotions.

The Rich are willing to make mistakes. The poor & middle class avoid failure at all costs.

The Rich focus on opportunities. The poor & middle class focus on obstacles.

The Rich are always thinking about their future. The Poor & middle class live for today.