Simplified lessons: Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone

By Marco Christiansen | Jun 21, 2021

1. People judge us by our latest success, so always aim to do your best. Do not solely rely on past victories.

2. Success means putting in constant efforts towards reaching your goals and staying positive even when things go wrong.

3. Attitude is everything. Attitude is your own property. Irrespective of anything, stay positive, & things will turn out for you.

4. Dreaming is a first step to success. Always pursue your dreams. Keep full confidence in your own abilities. Dare to Dream & be successful.

5. Success isn't the end, and failure isn't the worst thing. Do not give up. Your courage & efforts are the pillars of your success.

6. Spend time with positive people who make you feel good. Their good vibes will affect you. In short, avoid negativity in every form to gain success.

7. Don't focus on past mistakes or disappointments. Learn from them and move forward. Whatever is gone, is gone. Success is not depend on past failures.

8. Your thoughts and beliefs create your world. Think positively and believe in yourself. History has truck loads of positive examples to learn & motivate from.

9. Opportunities are everywhere, but you need a positive attitude to see and take them. Every opportunity is a gateway to success. Be ready to pick up.

10. Do not ever link success with luck. It is crystal clear that efforts, hard work, perseverance,, positive attitude are the true components of success stories. 

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